Monday, March 31

Coming Together, Feeding Together – A Breastfeeding Awareness Campaign

Breast milk is perfectly designed to meet the individual nutritional and immunological needs of infants, and the act of breastfeeding provides additional benefits to infants and their mothers. Despite all of its advantages, breastfeeding is not easy. A mother needs to overcome certain barriers to breastfeeding such as community and cultural pressures, health worker shortage, lack of maternity legislation and aggressive formula milk marketing to succeed breastfeeding her child up to 2 years and beyond.

Filipino culture tends to be conservative and think breasts should remain unexposed for its sexual representation when in fact breasts main purpose is for our children’s nourishment.

Coming together is a beginning. – Mommy Bright Side

Breast Feeding Awareness in Cagayan de Oro

In celebration of the World Breastfeeding Awareness Week 2013, Mommy Bright Side, a non profit organization will be conducting its Breast Feeding Awareness Campaign called “Coming Together, Feeding Together”. The said campaign will be at Centrio Mall on August 3, 2013 from 3PM to 5PM. The event aims to promote the importance of providing a stronger support system to breastfeeding mothers and their babies. This activity will simultaneously take place in 5 key cities in the Philippines: Manila, Bacolod, Cebu, Davao and Cagayan de Oro.

Below is a time-table for the said activity:

3:00-3:30pm – Registration: Gathering of mothers

3:30 – 4:00pm – Breastfeeding together

Cue in background music

One Mommy goes to the middle of the target area to breastfeed

After 1 minute, 4 more mommies will join her.

After 1 minute, 10 mommies will join breastfeeding

After 1 minute, 20 mommies will join the breastfeeding mob

End up with short dance number

4:00-5:00 pm – Breastfeeding Problems Solved

About Mommy Bright Side: A Breastfeeding Peer Support Group

Vision and Mission

Mommy Brightsiders dream of helping mommies to always look at the bright side despite the challenges of mothering. In the face of the difficulties of breastfeeding, diapering, and comforting fussy babies, we choose the best for babies: that is breastfeeding, cloth diapering and babywearing!

In encountering trouble with mommy matters, Brightsiders will have fellow Brightsiders to help them get through challenging times. Having difficulty latching on? Worrying about expensive baby things (e.g. diapers, strollers, baby toys etc.)? Stressing on how to comfort fussy baby spells? Mommy Brightsiders will give practical pieces of advice which are backed up by research and experience.

For more information, visit them at:
Mommy Bright Side Facebook Page or
Email at or
Contact them: 09154868868/ 09327990112


1 Comment

  • Nadine

    Hello. 🙂 thank you for blogging about our event. If you are available please join us and support CDO mommies. 🙂

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