Monday, March 31

Tag: xavier ateneo

XU Ateneans earn two spots in Digital Youth Summit PH

XU Ateneans earn two spots in Digital Youth Summit PH

CDO News
Last October 25-27, 2018, Mano Amiga Philippines, in partnership with Facebook, launched its much anticipated second Digital Youth Summit at the Ascott Hotel. This year’s summit theme #iamDigital puts authenticity, safety and wellbeing, community engagement, positive behavior and digital literacy as the center of focus. It featured 20+ speakers and panelists, ranging from content creators to multimedia personalities. The fully attended conference featured various talks, workshops, and activities all rooted in providing mentorship promising youth leaders to utilize social media to promote social good. In attendance at the event were 12 advocacy campaigns coming from all parts of the country, who presented their projects before a panel of social media experts and industry leaders. ...
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