Saturday, February 22

Tag: touch foundation

Silip Basura 2

Silip Basura 2

CDO Events, Remembering Sendong
Silip Basura 2 concluded last April 9, 2012 at Sil-ipon, Libona, Bukidnon with the theme:  "An encounter of head upstream of Cagayan River after Sendong" aims to form values and mindset of taking good care of our Mother Earth by doing the simple act of picking plastic wrapper and planting trees. Below are the pictures from the recently concluded event. Thank you to Penny Cunanan for the photos.   SILIP BASURA -Caring our remaining watersheds together The idea of SilipBasura started with an idea of cleaning a place from plastic, a major cause of flood in creeks. By picking plastics and other non-biodegradable materials inculcates the values of local action to contribute to the global desire for a sustainable world. The small band of volunteers choose the Lumad villag...
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