Monday, March 31

Tag: Tien Ma’s Cagayan de Oro

What To Order at Tien Ma’s in Limketkai Center?

What To Order at Tien Ma’s in Limketkai Center?

CDO Restaurants
A new oriental-themed restaurant has opened in Limketkai last March 2, 2017 - it’s Tien Ma’s - an authentic Taiwanese restaurant. Dubbed as Manila’s most affordable Taiwanese resto, Tien Ma’s boast a wide array of options from appetizers, soups, dumplings, rice meals, desserts, chicken, pork and beef dishes. If you’re into oriental food, then this place is for you. For starters, here’s what you can order: Start with Chicken with Corn Soup. This is a pretty good appetizer and an order is totally good for sharing. Never miss the Xiao Long Bao. This is a type of steamed bun and more commonly referred as a soup dumplings. Tien Ma’s has 3 variation and combinations of Xiao Long Bao. You can go traditional or order the Black Mushroom with Truffle Oil Xiao Long Bao. Get Th...
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