Sunday, February 23

Tag: techspark

TechSpark, a Tech Event on Innovations for a Better CDO

TechSpark, a Tech Event on Innovations for a Better CDO

CDO Events
The much awaited tech expo this year in Cagayan de Oro is now happening this Friday! Mark the date, June 26, as the Cagayan de Oro – ICT Business Council (CDO-ICT) invites everyone to TechSpark at the Limketkai Mall Rotunda. TechSpark was inspired and conceptualized in celebration of DOST-ICTO’s 2015 ICT Month with the theme “Internet for All: No Juan Left Behind”. TechSpark is a tech exhibit day of tech individuals, startups and businesses for them to be introduced to the public and let the people know about them. The day event will also have innovative ideas, technology / technopreneurship talks, and other fun and exciting activities, such as a digital poster making contest and geek wars. TechSpark aims to raise awareness to people about tech innovation and introduction on h...
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