Wednesday, January 22

Tag: Technopreneur

IdeaSpace Brings Technopreneur Boot Camp at Northern Mindanao

IdeaSpace Brings Technopreneur Boot Camp at Northern Mindanao

CDO Events
Cagayan de Oro, Philippines – IdeaSpace, in partnership Cagayan de Oro ICT Council with Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan, DEVCON and through Smart Communications, IdeaSpace Foundation, Inc. brings the Technopreneur Boot Camp at Northern Mindanao! In line with their passion and dedication to promote the spirit of technology entrepreneurship, IdeaSpace Foundation, Inc. will conduct the Technopreneur Boot Camp at Northern Mindanao. The said event invites all the Students, Professionals, Aspiring Startups, Startup Founders and early Graduates in the Northern Mindanao area to know everything about technopreneurship - from the advanced technologies, the how- to’s on starting technology businesses and other start-up advocacies. It will be held on Friday, December 13, 2013 from 8:00 AM t...
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