Sunday, February 23

Tag: teachers trivia night

GEG Teachers Trivia Night last August 29 a Success!

GEG Teachers Trivia Night last August 29 a Success!

CDO Events
Are you a teacher? a trainer? or let us say an educator who is probably tired or stressed? We hope not. Maybe you want to meet new friendss or collaborate with fellow teachers? How about a break! If you want to break that ice then this is the event for you! Come join the  1st "Teachers Trivia Night" in Cagayan de Oro!   It's going to be a night of fun, fellowship, and friendship! Don't worry, it's NOT a quiz show, it's NOT an exam! Questions are simple. Answers are easy. There is no pressure!It's about bonding, collaboration, and simply FUN FUN FUN! PLUS! Lots of prizes, freebies, giveaways, and certificates are in store for you! And yes, Registration is FREE! Mechanics for joining is easy : - Just create your team of 3-5 persons. Date: August 29, 2014 (Friday) ...
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