Monday, March 31

Tag: s&r membership shopping

S&R to hold Members’ Treat Sale from September 30 to October 2

S&R to hold Members’ Treat Sale from September 30 to October 2

CDO Promos
Good news to all S&R Membership Shopping card holders. The newly opened S&R Membership Shopping in Cagayan de Oro will be holding its very first Members' Treat Sale from September 30 to October 2, 2016. This means lots of buy 1, take 1 offers and up to 50% discount offers as well. S & R Membership shopping club is located along CDO-Iligan Road, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro showcases a treasure of world-class shopping values for its S&R CDO members. They're open daily from 8AM-9PM. For non-members, membership starts at Php 700 which is good for a year with around Php 65,000 worth of coupons. S&R CDO has been notable for its New York Style pizzas with delicious and overflowing toppings. Now, which do you think among from the hundreds of items inside will ...

The Wait is Over: S&R Membership Shopping is Now Open in Cagayan de Oro

CDO Events, CDO Places
Starting July 28, 10AM, Cagayan de Oro residents need not to go far to shop for world-class imported products. S & R Membership shopping club along CDO-Iligan Road, Barangay Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro showcases a treasure trove of world-class shopping values available to S&R CDO members. S&R is open daily from 8AM-9PM and located along the Kauswagan Highway across the RTMI garage before going right to the West Bound Bus Terminal. Modeled after warehouse shopping chains in the U.S., S&R Cagayan de Oro gives members with unmatched daily savings via exclusive deals and a low club pricing program that guarantees the best value for money. Membership starts at Php 700 (good for a year) with a much as Php 65,000 worth of coupons). S&R VP for Operations ...
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