Sunday, February 23

Tag: S&R card holder benefits

All roads lead to S&R CDO this 25-29 September for Members’ Treat

All roads lead to S&R CDO this 25-29 September for Members’ Treat

CDO Promos
Hello there! It’s the time of the year again! Have you also stock up for the rainy season or perhaps have you planned Christmas? If you haven’t, for sure - you will love this so make sure you continue reading. :) S&R, Philippines’ popular warehouse membership shopping chain is set to have their much awaited members’ treat and it’s happening this 25-29 September 2019 from 8AM-10PM. Seventeen S&R branches across the archipelago will hold the fab Members’ Treat which includes Cagayan de Oro. S&R card holder benefits Just a little background if you’re not yet a card holder that during S&R Members’ Treat, members are expected to get big discounts from this popular warehouse membership shopping chain modeled from the U.S. This includes items with discounts up to 50% a...
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