Monday, March 31

Tag: sonny angara

“99% of Taxpayers to Enjoy Higher Take-Home Pay” -Angara

“99% of Taxpayers to Enjoy Higher Take-Home Pay” -Angara

CDO News
Higher take-home pay awaits Filipino workers as the income tax system will finally be amended two decades after it was enacted. Under the Senate ways and means committee report, the first P150,000 annual taxable income will be exempted, while retaining the P82,000 tax exemption for 13th month pay and other bonuses and the maximum P100,000 additional exemption for up to four dependents. This translates to an approximate tax-exempt monthly income of P25,000 for workers with four dependents. With this proposal, almost all or 99% of the 7.5 million individual income taxpayers will enjoy lower income tax rates, while 81% or 6.1 million income taxpayers will be exempt from paying income taxes, based on data from the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). Currently, only the 2 million ...

Sen. Sonny Angara Vows To Help Rebuild the War-torn Marawi City

CDO News, Politics
Amid the siege that happened in Marawi City over a month ago, more people have lent their hand to help the war-torn city. This includes the NGO and our public servants such as Sen. Sonny Angara who went to the grounds in the evacuation center to listen and assess the needs of our displaced brothers and sisters from Marawi City, Lanao del Sur. As per the region's DSWD report as of June 22, 2017, the total number of IDPs (Internally displaced people) in Region X has increased to 25,058 families. There are currently 38 evacuation centers housing 2,432 families. The number of home-based families totaled to 22,897. For the whole province of Lanao del Norte including Iligan City, the total number of IDP families is 21,562. The number of families inside evacuation centers including Ilig...
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