Monday, March 3

Tag: Snoe Beauty

Snoe Presents Selfie Beauty, a Make-up Workshop in CDO

Snoe Presents Selfie Beauty, a Make-up Workshop in CDO

Lifestyle in CDO
A Make-up workshop for the Kagayanon Ladies! Pretty Kagayanons and NorthMin Ladies (and ladies at heart)! Do you want to look good at any angle? without any lighting or even filters? If your answer is Yes then you should join the first ever Snoe Selfie Workshop (#snoeselfieworkshop) called Selfie Beauty! Snoe Beauty specializes in makeup, skincare, bath and body care, hair care, beauty tools and accessories. Their mission is to provide every woman the tools she needs to be fine, fun and fabulous! The make-up workshop will be featuring Ms. Paola Paladio, one of CDO's Professional Makeup artist and Mindanao GoldStar's UrbanLife Columnist! Mark the date, September 5, 2015, 1PM at Sentro 1850, Don Apolinar Velez St., Cagayan de Oro City. To join, visit Snoe Centrio branch a...
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