Wednesday, January 22

Tag: Scotchtape

Unleash 3 – A Concert for a Cause

Unleash 3 – A Concert for a Cause

CDO Events, Nightlife in CDO
June 9 at Blend and Brew Cafe via BlinQ cor. 18th Tomas Saco St. infront of Mercury Drug Entrance: Php50 - Please bring school supplies, etc. "Help provide Smoky Mountain Kids with basic educational needs. Take part. Help literate." Let us support Indie Music! Hoodswhite - Almost Satellite - The Superflirts - Metaldose - Fly by Juniper - Salvar - Teachers Stand Together - 7 Tribes - Semana - Irie - Echosystem - Memoroinnie - Baby Cravy - Frushstuck - Scotchtape - Poetry of Water For more details check out -
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