Saturday, February 22

Tag: Payment for ecosystem services

VEST, a People-Led Movement to Invest in Nature

VEST, a People-Led Movement to Invest in Nature

CDO News
The Philippines, located in the tropics, has its share of typhoons yearly. When a low pressure begins in the warm Pacific Ocean, our country could be its next possible route. We are not exempted; in fact, we have learned lessons from the devastation Sendong (Typhoon Washi) has left our silent and booming city last December 2014. Sendong, an Unforgettable Experience I can still remember the night when Sendong struck the City of Golden Friendship, it was quite a struggle, rushing brown-muddy water came in our house so fast that we have to evacuate the soonest. That night, the status in the society did not matter. It was the night where survival was vital. I tell you, there are still a lot of stories uncountable and unpublished that will crush your heart. One thing is sure – we learned ...
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