Sunday, February 23

Tag: payitfwd

PayITFwd – Paying it forward through Smart Acts

PayITFwd – Paying it forward through Smart Acts

CDO Events
PayITFwd: Paying it forward through Smart Acts. Are you retiree who trains unemployed women in the community on alternative livelihood or maybe one of the college students who help instill in low-performing grade school pupils the love of reading and learning or maybe a group of athletes who holds sports clinics for street children? Smart Communications together with the CDO Bloggers, Inc is looking for individuals and groups doing extraordinarily deeds and making a positive difference through their community based projects that provide knowledge and skills in any way. These smart acts of kindness can go even further with payITfwd – the new initiative of Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) that aims to enable through technology ongoing efforts that foster learning. Smart will payITfw...
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