Sunday, February 23

Tag: Next Moves Dancers

Liceo U and NCAA present “Baybayin”, a show about “Sinaunang Baybayin” at Rodelsa Hall

Liceo U and NCAA present “Baybayin”, a show about “Sinaunang Baybayin” at Rodelsa Hall

CDO Concerts
Baybayin, a show about "Sinaunang Baybayin" will be held at the Rodelsa Hall on October 7. This "Pagpasundayag sa Sinaunang Baybayin" show is brought to us by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) in partnership with Liceo de Cagayan University and Pasundayag Community Arts. The "Pagpasundayag sa Sinaunang Baybayin" series of activities with a workshop is facilitated by Emil Yap, expert on the Sinaunang Baybayin. The ancient Filipino writing famously coined as Alibata. BaiBayin or Baybayi is a system or way of writing of our Filipino Ancestors. This started from the root word "Baybay or BaiBai" that means spelling or tracing. The show performance entitled: "Baybayin" (In english meaning: Shore) is a medley of multi-art disciplines based from the research on ...
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