Sunday, February 23

Tag: ms cdo 2014

How Will Your Ms. CDO 2014 Bets Make Their Reign Memorable?

Kagay-an Festival
The lovely candidates in the upcoming Ms. Cagayan de Oro 2014 competition was asked if how will they make their reign memorable if ever the crown will be destined for them and we have the answers. The candidates have gone through different activities the past few months in preparation for the pageant night and their reign. You can also follow the latest about the candidates like their Facebook Page - Ms. Cagayan de Oro 2014. The pageant is organized by the CDO Tourism Office and JCI Bai Lawanen Inc. since 2013. #1 PRINCESS GO - " I would spend my time in the charity. I love to help people or children especially those victims of floods. I would also promote Cagayan de Oro to investors to come." #2 JESSICA ABINES - "I want to be remembered by people not because of who i am and w...

Ms. CDO 2014 Beauties on a Tribute Rafting Adventure

Kagay-an Festival
Even before the tragic white water rafting incident that took place couple of weeks back, the annual candidates' river rafting adventure was already planned way ahead as their adventure appreciation tour. But it took the organizers- JCI Bai Lawanen, various consultations with the local officials and city tourism council head Dotty Pabayo- who are in unison to say that the event should not be cancelled but preparations should be thought really well. Ms. CDO Chair Gean T. Cesar and Vice Chair Gigi Go, took the initiative to call the parents of each candidate to ask for their go signal-surprisingly all said yes as long as safety precautions are in place and strengthened. City Mayor Oscar Moreno on the other hand said, although the candidates have parental consent- he wants to make sure that t...

Ms. Cagayan de Oro 2014 Search: Your Journey Starts Here

Kagay-an Festival
Press Release: THE SEARCH FOR MISS CAGAYAN DE ORO 2014 IS ON The organizing committee of Miss Cagayan de Oro 2014 is now announcing the official screening dates for potential official candidates of this year’s beauty pageant- hailed as the biggest search for beauty and brains in this part of Mindanao. Screening dates will be on April 12, 26 (1pm-5pm) and May 2, 2014 (10am-2pm) at The VIP Hotel. For interested ladies, you must be at least 5ft and 5 inches tall, a full time student from any reputable school with minimum 2yrs residency in the Cagayan de Oro, may be a professional and between 18-25 years old. Born or has origin in the City and never been married. All candidates are subject to background check once they pass the screening process. The organizers are looking for a lady who...
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