Sunday, February 23

Tag: ms cagayan de oro candidates

How Will Your Ms. CDO 2014 Bets Make Their Reign Memorable?

Kagay-an Festival
The lovely candidates in the upcoming Ms. Cagayan de Oro 2014 competition was asked if how will they make their reign memorable if ever the crown will be destined for them and we have the answers. The candidates have gone through different activities the past few months in preparation for the pageant night and their reign. You can also follow the latest about the candidates like their Facebook Page - Ms. Cagayan de Oro 2014. The pageant is organized by the CDO Tourism Office and JCI Bai Lawanen Inc. since 2013. #1 PRINCESS GO - " I would spend my time in the charity. I love to help people or children especially those victims of floods. I would also promote Cagayan de Oro to investors to come." #2 JESSICA ABINES - "I want to be remembered by people not because of who i am and w...
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