Kagay-anons Reminisce Old Limketkai Center
Last April 2,2011, Limketkai Center's Facebook page posted old pictures of the said mall. Until now, Kagay-anons reminisce experiences from the old setup and structure of the mall. Take a stroll down memory lane with old pictures and memories shared over at Facebook.
[<a href="http://storify.com/vicmadz/kagay-anons-recall-old-limketkai-center" target="_blank">View the story "Kagay-anons Reminisce Old Limketkai Center" on Storify</a>]<br /> <h1>Kagay-anons Reminisce Old Limketkai Center</h1> <h2>Last April 2,2011, Limketkai Center's Facebook page posted old pictures of the said mall. Until now, Kagay-anons reminisce experiences from the old setup and structure of the mall. Take a stroll down memory lane with old pictures and memories shared over at F...