Saturday, February 22

Tag: Lake Sebu

NCCA Calls for Project Proposals for its Competitive Grants for 2015

NCCA Calls for Project Proposals for its Competitive Grants for 2015

Press Release in CDO
August 5, 2014 - The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), the country’s leading government agency for arts and culture headed by its chairman Felipe de Leon, Jr., encourages cultural and art groups, academic institutions,  local arts organizations, non-government organizations involved in culture and arts, and others to submit their project proposals for the NCCA Competitive Grants Program for 2015. Deadline is on August 31, 2014. The priority projects for 2015 have been defined by the 19 national committees under the four subcomissions which are the National Committee on Architecture and Allied Arts, National Committee on Cinema, National Committee on Dance, National Committee on Dramatic Arts, National Committee on Literary Arts, National Committee on Music, and Nation...
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