Get your Holiday Gifts and Company Giveaways in Advance at S&R’s Members’ Treat
The Holiday season is just around the corner. More often, we love to shop as the holidays go near but would it be more convenient to shop early on. If you’re looking at avoiding the rush hours and the long lines in December, why not jump in at S&R CDO from September 27 - October 1. S&R Membership Shopping in Cagayan de Oro is holding another round of Members' Treat Sale for 5 days. Yes, you read it right - 5 days of Big Savings; Buy 1 Take 1; and up to 50% OFF!
The Members’ Treat Sale includes majority of their imported products in the food section, houseware, kitchen items and anything under the sun which are perfect gift items to family friends and even company giveaways.
S & R Membership Shopping Club is located along CDO-Iligan Road, Kauswagan, Cagayan d...