Wednesday, January 22

Tag: Havaianas 2014 Planner

The Promise of Joy: Havaianas 2013 Holiday Collection

The Promise of Joy: Havaianas 2013 Holiday Collection

Lifestyle in CDO
As you witness the scene of the sparkling bright lights of the metro, hear the echoes of merry cheer along the hallways, and feel the cool chill breeze, you would know that one thing's for certain, the holiday season is here! Whether by tradition or simply the heart for giving, the holidays truly bring out the best in us! With all the vibrant hues and views, everyone lives out the cheerful vibe as we all prepare with the usual gift-giving gimmicks, humongous servings at the dinner table and simply enjoying the season with get-togethers with friends and family. As the best time of the year dawns upon us, the joyful vibe not only permeates and makes its home in our homes and hearts, but to our feet as well. Never failing to bring joy and happy memories despite the season, Havaianas...
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