Monday, March 31

Tag: halal restaurant in cdo

Explore Babu Kwan, CDO’s newest halal restaurant

Explore Babu Kwan, CDO’s newest halal restaurant

CDO Restaurants
More than food, halal is a lifestyle. It’s a dedication to the rules of Islam in each and every way. If you're looking for a halal restaurant in CDO, you should meet Babu Kwan. Meet Babu Kwan Babu Kwan is the newest halal restaurant in Cagayan de Oro. “Babu” means “auntie” while “Kwan” is from the colloquial term for the word “something”. She is your go-to-auntie, spoiling you with heavenly delicious dishes you would crave. Babu is single and is married to her love for cooking. She has travelled in Asia and has tried to infuse its taste to her home-cooked meals. What to order in Babu Kwan CDO Loosen up your belt and be ready for their rich and fragrant Beef Randang and if you’re desperate for a chicken fix, Babu’s Piaparan will satisfy that craving. The special seafood dish Sa...
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