Sunday, February 23

Tag: hairfood products

HairFood Co., an All-Natural Hair Care Line, opens at Centrio

HairFood Co., an All-Natural Hair Care Line, opens at Centrio

Brand News
According to scientific studies an individual has an average of about five million hairs. Hair appears all over our bodies with an exception on our lips, soles and palms. On a normal basis, it takes a month for a healthy hair to grow almost half an inch. Our new hairs grows and then fall out after almost 6 years. With the advancement of technology humans have created products addressing hair problems but this shampoos contain sulfates, parabens, and colorants. While these may have aesthetic effects, it also poses great threats not only to us but also to Mother Earth. Introducing HairFood Co., an All-Natural hair care line, opens at it’s Centrio Kiosk last February 2016. HairFood Co. carries handcrafted lines of shampoo, conditioners and tonics that are free from sulfates, paraben...
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