Friday, January 31

Tag: gulp juicery

Gulp Juicery: Your CDO Juice Bar

Gulp Juicery: Your CDO Juice Bar

Lifestyle in CDO
Juicing takes us back to date from before 150 B.C. to about 70 A.D. where the first written artifacts were found in the Dead Sea. History takes us back that fruits back then such as lemons and oranges were made into beverages by different cultures. These were also heavily seen in Island cultures and tropical regions. Such facts will truly support the reason why people back in the days are healthy, strong, and ageing is prolonged compared to the human being in the 20th century. Gulp Juicery, a Juice Bar in CDO From a simple home business and delivery services, Gulp Juicery has taken their endeavor by promoting health and wellness to the city of Golden Friendship inside Grand Central. In the cyberworld, Juicing may have been heavily promoted by celebrities by taking them to Instagr...
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