Wednesday, January 22

Tag: Google Educators Group

Google Educators Group is now in Cagayan de Oro!

Google Educators Group is now in Cagayan de Oro!

CDO Events
Are you a teacher or a trainer? Are you looking for ways or new tools to effectively teach your students? If we hear a Yes on both questions then this event is for you. We present GEG or Google Educators Group. GEG is an independent community run initiative to which Google is the primary partner and inspiration. GEGs are for any educator who is passionate about meeting the needs of their students through technology solutions and collaborating with other educators who feel the same way. GEG’s provide a space where like-minded educators interested in open technology to improve learning can come together to discuss Google tools and the latest technologies, and get inspirational new ideas about using technology to excite their students and increase their own efficiency as teachers. With GEG...
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