Sunday, February 23

Tag: google business group

Why You Should Join the Next Google Event in CDO? #gDayXCDO

Why You Should Join the Next Google Event in CDO? #gDayXCDO

CDO Events
You will surely learn a lot from joining the Google event. Led by the GBG Cagayan de Oro or the Google Business Group, a successful GDayX CDO was organized and executed last November 16, 2013 at N Hotel, Cagayan de Oro. GBG CDO also invited the most influential local and national speakers to talk about their expertise such as Katherine Yap for Technoprenuership; Ma. Irene Aserios for Tourism Business and Online Marketing, Stephen Piana with the topic Google Places, Maps and your Business; Jerome Locson for Google Apps for Business; Romar Mayer Micabalo for Planning and Launching Your Own Startup Company;'s Vic Marion Madriaga for Starting your Blog for Business with Blogger; Josan Astrid Dometita for Google+ your Business; Measuring Success with Google Analytics - Carlo F...
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