Sunday, February 23

Tag: fruit ninja at centrio

Fruit Ninja Live at Centrio – Ayala Mall

Fruit Ninja Live at Centrio – Ayala Mall

CDO Events, CDO Promos, Lifestyle in CDO
CDO Mommies and Kids, It's the world premiere of the hilarious Fruit Ninja live show at the Ayala Malls! In Cagayan de Oro, it will be at Centrio Mall on July 20-21, 2013 - Activity Center - 2pm,4pm, and 6pm. Calling all Fruit Ninja Recruits! Get ready to slice 'emup! Take a journey to Fruitasia to have first hand training with Sensei to become the next Fruit Ninja Recruit. On arrival to the Fruitasiavillage, you'll learn how everything evolves around delicious fruit and you'll know what happens when the alarm sounds for any bruised fruit. There, you'll meet Gutsu, the traveling merchant and his best friend, Truffles the pig who will guide you atop a secluded mountain to the Dojo. After you bow to your Sensei, it's time to prepare for your training. The wise Sensei will sha...
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