Wednesday, January 22

Tag: dswd region 10 office and telephone number

Non-stop Help for CDO

Non-stop Help for CDO

Remembering Sendong
Tropical Typhoon Washi (Sendong) struck Northern Mindanao 2 months ago leaving homeless and displaced families in the evacuation centers. Help from the NGOs poured in and people from different organizations offered their assistance, their time to help Cagayan de Oro rise up back to its feet. is not only focused to CDO events, attractions, and tourism, this Cagayan de Oro themed website also publishes WOW CDO Stories that we could look up to, just like this inspiring story: A woman by the name of Eena Sarayba from Ladera Ranch, California, USA sent out a Balikbayan Box to her good friend Vivien Aguilar after hearing the news about what happened in Cagayan de Oro. In spite of the distance, some people would reach out to the Sendong Victims. From the people of CDO - Thank you v...
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