Monday, March 31

Tag: coronavirus how to help

Coronavirus CDO: How to help and donate

Coronavirus CDO: How to help and donate

COVID-19 or Coronavirus has changed our life. From the way we live and the way we live our life - it has such an effect no matter what we do. While we stay at home, front liners and fellow citizens are struggling to meet ends whether at work or at home. From lending a hand or to donating, here are many ways to help in Cagayan de Oro amid this pandemic. (verified)- message her Facebook page. Tinabanga NorthMin - Raising funds for COVID19 Front liners in CDO Where to Donate: Gcash: Marcela Lim 09179838147 Paypal: Marcela Lim / BDO: Aiko Frances Sagusay 008170017594 BPI: Aiko Frances Sagusay 4029341139 Paymaya: Aiko Frances Sagusay +639171285267 Richard Santiago Illescas and Team - Accepts cash donation or 3D Filame...
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