Sunday, February 23

Tag: cdo fiesta 2013

Xavier Sports & Country Club MUST Fun Run #xsccmustrun2013

Xavier Sports & Country Club MUST Fun Run #xsccmustrun2013

CDO Fun Runs
Come celebrate with the people of Cagayan de Oro its fresh start after Sendong in a fun run organized by Xavier Sports & Country Club in cooperation with Mindanao University of Science and Technology. “Maayong kaUgmaon Sa Tanan” (MUST) (literally: “auspicious tomorrow for all”) is an outpouring of popular people’s support for a fresh start, one that cuts across social, economic, and political considerations. There will be three categories: 3K and 5K with a uniform Php300/participant registration fee; 10K with a Php500/participant registration fee. The 3K and 5K registration fees include a jersey, a race bib, a certificate, the chance to win prizes in a raffle (including but not limited to free dinners for two with a gorgeous blind date), free admission to a post-race p...
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