Sunday, February 23

Tag: cagayan de oro water rafting

Ms. CDO 2014 Beauties on a Tribute Rafting Adventure

Ms. CDO 2014 Beauties on a Tribute Rafting Adventure

Kagay-an Festival
Even before the tragic white water rafting incident that took place couple of weeks back, the annual candidates' river rafting adventure was already planned way ahead as their adventure appreciation tour. But it took the organizers- JCI Bai Lawanen, various consultations with the local officials and city tourism council head Dotty Pabayo- who are in unison to say that the event should not be cancelled but preparations should be thought really well. Ms. CDO Chair Gean T. Cesar and Vice Chair Gigi Go, took the initiative to call the parents of each candidate to ask for their go signal-surprisingly all said yes as long as safety precautions are in place and strengthened. City Mayor Oscar Moreno on the other hand said, although the candidates have parental consent- he wants to make sure that t...
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