Monday, March 3

Tag: Cagayan de Oro History

11 Things Every Kagayanon Should Know About Their Past

11 Things Every Kagayanon Should Know About Their Past

CDO History
Tonton Neri is a Law Student, an urbanite in the growing city of Cagayan de Oro, a Political Science educator, a Coalition Builder and an advocate for Social Justice. His blog is THE GEEK REPUBLIK: opening new worlds -  The blog post "11 Things every Kagayanon should know about their past" was originally published on THE GEEK REPUBLIK: opening new worlds last August 6, 2017. was granted to repost the blog post. Photos and verbatim are owned by the respective owners. While waiting for class, I managed to get a hold of an old book in the Library. It was a fascinating experience, a time machine of sorts. It was about the history of our city and here are some highlights: 1. We are “Neolithic-old” Scientists from the National Museum un...
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