Sunday, February 23

Tag: breastfeeding campaigns

Coming Together, Feeding Together – A Breastfeeding Awareness Campaign

Coming Together, Feeding Together – A Breastfeeding Awareness Campaign

CDO Events
Breast milk is perfectly designed to meet the individual nutritional and immunological needs of infants, and the act of breastfeeding provides additional benefits to infants and their mothers. Despite all of its advantages, breastfeeding is not easy. A mother needs to overcome certain barriers to breastfeeding such as community and cultural pressures, health worker shortage, lack of maternity legislation and aggressive formula milk marketing to succeed breastfeeding her child up to 2 years and beyond. Filipino culture tends to be conservative and think breasts should remain unexposed for its sexual representation when in fact breasts main purpose is for our children’s nourishment. Coming together is a beginning. - Mommy Bright Side In celebration of the World Breastfeeding Aware...
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