Sunday, February 23

Tag: ateneo homecoming

XUHS to hold its Alumni Homecoming on November 30 #XUHSHomecoming2013

XUHS to hold its Alumni Homecoming on November 30 #XUHSHomecoming2013

CDO Events
“When time passes, it's the people who knew you whom you want to see; they're the ones you can talk to. When enough time passes, what's it matter what they did to you? John Irving, The Cider House Rules One of the biggest university in the Cagayan de Oro will be holding its high school alumni homecoming. This coming November 30, Atenistas from all around the globe will gather at the Limketkai Center Atrium for the biggest homecoming. Let’s have F.U.N. (Friendship, Unity, among AteNians). This homecoming is in honor of XUHS Class ‘53,’63, ‘73, ‘87, and ‘88. For more details, visit and connect with fellow Atenista on this Facebook event page - XUHS Alumni Homecoming 2013., a CDO Blog under the CDO Bloggers is a proud online partner of the XUHS Alumni Homecoming 2013. To...
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