Sunday, February 23

Tag: anti-aging expert in the philippines

Cryo Electrophoresis Now Available at Zenbiosis

Cryo Electrophoresis Now Available at Zenbiosis

Lifestyle in CDO
What makes us say WOWCDO! is that Cagayan de Oro City is also known as the center of medical tourism in Northern Mindanao where people travel to the city for the purpose of acquiring medical treatment. Are searching for a expert skin care that will help you appreciate tighter, firmer and youthful looking skin without the feared needles? Fret no more! The answer: Cryo Electrophoresis at Zenbiosis. What is this Cryo Electrophoresis Treatment? We made a little research on what and how this works and more of the benefits. Cry electrophoresis uses the Cryostamp which combines cryotherapy and electrophoresis. Cryotherapy is the application of low temperatures in medical treatment. Its purpose is to reduce cellular metabolism, boost cellular survival, decrease inflammation, dec...
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