Monday, March 31

Promote CDO by Joining Smart’s “Doon Po Sa Amin” Online Contest

Promoting our country has been made easier with the use of technology. In a simple click, you can now share the priceless moments captured to the world. Thus, digital tourism has created an impact on the economy of the Philippines. More tourists have discovered the beauty of the 7107 Philippines Islands whether hide tide or low tide. 🙂

Doon Po Sa Amin Online Contest

Higala, you will now have the chance to become a local ambassador for CDO as Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) opens its Doon Po Sa Amin (DPSA) online competition to everyone. DPSA, on its 7th year, is the country’s biggest and longest-running crowd sourced community mapping activity.

The contest is designed to uncover the best and interesting hometown stories and unseen attractions that our country has to offer. Smart Communications has extended the invitation to everyone—including college students, young professionals, film enthusiasts, out-of-school-youth—who wants to contribute to the promotion of the local tourism. Individuals must for a team to join. Teams participating in DPSA are required to find the best stories about their hometowns, tell these stories online using multimedia, and pin them in an online map on

Higala, below is the summarized contest mechanics that you can share to your friends.

1. Form an 8-10 member team. The contest is divided into two divisions, for students and open division.
2. Teams must create a video (short film, music video, documentary or animation) under any of the following categories: Activities to Enjoy, Food to Eat, Community Products to Support, History to Uncover, People to Meet, Places to Go and Plants and Animals to Discover. Teams should only tackle stories on village to provincial level only.
3. Entries must be in Tagalog or local dialect wih English subtitle.
4. No teams can have the same topic or geographical scope. The DPSA Secretariat will check the registered entries and will advise the teams if the topic they selected is already taken.
5. Team must shoot the video or do a combination of the suggested video format.
6. Entries must be shot on any video recording device and edited using any film editing software.
7. Clips or musical background must be original, if not, participants must obtain a written consent from the artist/producer or owner.
8. All video entries may have versions in MP4, MOV, and MPEG format. Maximum file size is 1 GB.
9. All video entries should incorporate the required beginning and end texts.
10. To submit your entry, log on to

Registration and submission of entries for DPSA is on-going up to October 31, 2014. The submitted entries will be judged according to content (40%), creativity (30%), execution (20%), and impact (10%). Higalas, more than Php500,000 are up for grabs to the teams with the best stories.

So what are you waiting for? Join the “Doon Po Sa Amin” Online Contest. 🙂 For the contest updates, follow @doonposaaminph on Twitter and Like –

Higala, follow on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram for the latest CDO Updates. Let us know if you have joined by dropping a comment below. Daghang salamat! 🙂

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