Wednesday, March 26

Ozamiz’s Best Dragon Fruit Ice Cream

Ozamiz City and Misamis Occidental are rich with the bounty of the sea and their kakanin has been a signature of the province but one thing is not clear – what’s that sweet dessert from the Gem of Panguil Bay?

Johann Dagandara, owner of The Promenade and Johann’s Cuisine, took that need to an opportunity. He made the Ozamiz’s Best Dragon Fruit Ice Cream.

dragon fruit ice cream ozamiz

This opportunity came as a split of the tongue when he attended Dine Philippines, a food business and tourism caravan, in Davao City. It was during their fellowship that mostly talked about dessert and they couldn’t pinpoint what’s from Ozamiz. Dragon Fruit came as one of the fruits that he’d like to try on and when he went back home he tried it. The mayor also liked the idea and supported to make Johann’s Dragon Fruit Ice Cream as one Ozamiz Pasalubong to develop.

Johann is not new to the food catering and ice cream business. In fact, The Promenade which Johann owns is one of the leaders in Ozamiz in the food industry. He sells ice cream but the Dragon Fruit Ice Cream was something new and unique.


The Dragon Fruit Ice Cream also went under a series of improvement after DTI and DOST tasted the product. These government agencies gave Johann the inspiration and support to fully develop it to a delectable ice cream. Johann also added that DTI and DOST also helped him in product handling, preparation, marketing, costing and almost all of the above. He was even inspired when a “Kapatid Mentor Me” program mentor told him that the taste is perfect and gave him an advice to be consistent on this and make the Dragon Fruit Ice Cream a truly Ozamiznon dessert .

Johann Dagandara is also a proud “Kapatid Mentor Me Program” graduate, an initiative of the DTI and the Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship (PCE) to help the country’s micro and small enterprises (MSEs). It’s free and Johann tells me that it really helped him become a better entrepreneur. The program has 11 sessions and if ever you miss one, you will not be able to graduate.

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Ozamiz’s Best Dragon Fruit Ice Cream is available in Ozamiz City and Misamis Occidental particularly at Johann’s Stand. Johann is optimistic that his dragon fruit ice cream will reach the rest of the Philippine Islands.

Photo from The Promenade By Johann’s Cuisine’s Facebook Page

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