Monday, March 31

S&R Members’ Treat is Happening this March 14-18, Store Hours Extended Until 10PM

Are you ready to host a summer party? Or have you also stock up for the rainy season? If you haven’t, for sure – you will love this so do continue reading. 🙂

It’s the time of the year again! S&R, a popular warehouse membership shopping chain in the Philippines is set to have their much-anticipated members’ treat happening this March 14-18, 2018. The S&R Members’ Treat includes their branch in Cagayan de Oro. Yipee!

Do take note that during the S&R Members’ Treat, cardholders are expected to get big discounts from the popular warehouse membership shopping chain modeled from the U.S. This includes items with discounts up to 50% and even Buy 1, Take 1 during the 5-day treat.

Let’s say if you’re planning for a party this summertime, you may get any of these items from S&R CDO: Budweiser, Tropicana, Wafer or Potato Chips in various brands. If you’d also like to add a couple of indoor furniture/appliances such as folding chairs or a Dowell burner gas stove, S&R has it.

If you’re planning to do a bedroom revamp, S&R also had discounts on tons of bedroom sheets, linens, comforter and many more for the past few Members’ Treat. We’re pretty sure they’ll put that back again including apparels for men and women.

Their members’ treat is not only limited to these but will also include their fresh fruit, meat, and pastry section. In fact, hoarded a lot of assorted cookies, and healthcare products like tubes of toothpaste and Adidas shower gel the past years.

Indeed, S&R CDO is the perfect place to shop and save money from discounts. S&R stores in CDO and the rest of the country are expected to extend their operating hours to 10 PM to cater to all their members during this treat.

For non-members, membership starts at Php 700 which is good for a year with around Php 65,000 worth of coupons. This doesn’t include the discounts you’ll get from this Members Treat. So, make sure to get your card today.

Here’s the last tip: Shop during the early days of the treat as most of the shoppers will surely flock to S&R in the last few days and the weekend.

S & R Membership shopping club is located along CDO-Iligan Road, Zone 5, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro showcases a treasure of world-class shopping values for its S&R CDO members. They’re open daily from 8AM-9PM. S&R offers high-quality products on local and international brand names that guarantee satisfaction, savings and value for membership daily. For more details, you may call them at (088) 880-9999 or on S & R Membership Shopping Club’s Facebook Page.

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