Monday, March 31

Contact Us

I’m here for a reason…

  • I want to contribute my well written blog post about Cagayan de Oro or anything under Northern Mindanao.
  • I want to report a typo error or missed info published on any #wowCDO pages (This is what fears to happen)
  • I’m a business owner who wanted to promote my new business, product or services.
  • I’m a brand PR/Marketing representative who wanted event promotions for the brand branches in CDO and NorthMin.
  • I’m an advertiser who wanted to place an ad on every pages of
  • I want to collaborate and partner with for an event in CDO or NorthMin.

If yes on one of the options above. We have the solution. 🙂

Thank you for choosing #wowCDO, an award winning blog, also named as one of the Top Lifestyle and Tourism blogs in Cagayan de Oro.

Feel free to reach out to our social media channels or email. We will reply as soon as we can.

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