Saturday, March 29

WATCH: TGIB at Boy Zugba, the Best Way to End Your Week in CDO

Weekend in Cagayan de Oro has been more exciting lately as more establishments and attractions are formed gearing towards entertainment and relaxation. To add, adventure destinations has been popping out lately satisfying those itchy feet hungry for some adrenaline rush!


But for those who wanted to stay within the city, we found a perfect spot for you and your friends to dine and just have fun. Woot! Woot! Ready? Where?

Fridays, 7PM at Boy Zugba in Corrales Avenue!


Jek-Jek and Sig preparing to start the first game.

Yes, you read it right – TGIB at Boy Zugba! The newest Filipino-themed grill spot in Cagayan de Oro which opened February this year is hosting an all-in-one entertainment night called TGIB! TGIB stands for Tara Go! It’s Beerness!

It is hosted the fun duo Jek-jek Mendiola and Sig Maglacion entertaining the crowd with their wits and talent and Pilipinas Got Talent Season 3 Grand Finalist Muriel Lomadilla also sung a few hits for us that set the mood for the night.

PGT Season 3 Muriel Lomadilla at Boy Zugba

We invite you to take a peek on what TGIB is all about at Boy Zugba!

Boy Zugba doesn’t also offer entertainment but guests also get to interact and play games such us the Beer Drinking Contest where the winner can get a bucket of beer for their table.  Jek-jek and Sig are great tandem in dropping punchlines at each other making the crowd roar for more.

Now, What to Order at Boy Zugba Cagayan de Oro?

Boy Zugba’s Chicken Barbecue

For starters, try their Chicken Barbecue priced at Php 89. Unexpectedly, I ordered the same dish on my 2nd visit.

Other than their barbecues,  they also serve Appetizers (Pampa-gana), Soups (Wow! Sabaw!), Salads (Salad Oh! Presko pa!), Pancit, Fried Dishes, and our Favorite Filipino Dishes such us Humba, Ginataang Manok, Kare-Kare and even a Sweet and Sour Bulad!

Trivia Night at Boy Zugba hosted by Jek-Jek Mendiola

Other than Fridays, Tuesdays are also for the geeks and the geeks-by-heart in CDO for Boy Zugba’s Trivia Night every 7PM where teams from different ages battle for supremacy and “geekness”.

Entertainment, info and food in one roof at Corrales Avenue near PitStop, remember Boy Zugba!


A CDO Buffet/Eat-All-You-Can happening on November 20, 2015. Limited tickets are sold at Php 199 at Boy Zugba.

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