Monday, March 31

Fitflop Premium Sale set on Sep. 23-27 at Res|Toe|Run Limketkai Center

Multi-brand concept shoe store Res|Toe|Run is set to hold a Fitflops Premium Sale from September 23-27 at Res|Toe|Run Limketkai Center. It’s a weekend you should never forget as Fitflop items will be slashed out with up to 70% from it’s original price.


Since its founding in 2016, FitFlop has been able to sell over 27 million pairs have been sold and have been repeatedly told by their many happy customers that Fitflop makes the most comfortable sandals in the world. Ever since they’ve started selling FitFlop , their Founder Marcia Kilgore set already set her mind on a mission, and that is – to create the most comfortable footwear in the world.

Behind the Fitflop technology “multi-density Microwobbleboard midsole” is Dr. Dave Cook and Dr. Darren James where they put precision ergonomics under a set of sporty looking flip flop straps. Women loved it and thus Fitflop was tagged as ‘sportygorgeous’.

Res|Toe|Run Limketkai Center – photo from their FB page

Today, FitFlop has been considered as one of the most well-loved brands with the freshest styles to cater to their ever growing market. The brand believes that for a shoe to be really cool, it has to be comfortable.

Res|Toe|Run Limketkai Center is located at the 2nd Level East Concourse of the said mall. They open daily from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

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