Sunday, March 30

Rustan’s Fresh in Cagayan de Oro


It’s official, Rustan’s Supermarket, the leader and pioneer in the grocery shopping industry will open at Centrio – An Ayala Mall, Cagayan de Oro this May 17, 2013. Rustan’s is well known for its focus on quality, customer service and fresh food will soon invade CdeO. To this date, Rustan’s has more than 20 branches in the Philippines.

Rustan’s Fresh CDO is the biggest in the Philippines with roughly 4,100 sqm. They are also offering shopping programs such as the Fresh Shopping Rewards and Start Sapphine Program. Rustan’s is also the first ever grocery to deliver in the Philippines.

After the opening date, a 3-kilometer walkathon will also commence on May 18 for the benefit of the Sendong survivors in Xavier Ecoville, Lumbia, CdeO. Head your way to Centrio and register for only Php200!

Photo and info source:


  • ernesto

    please be aware of this young foreigner who uses fake credit cards in buying imported stuff like liquors in Centrio or any mall, like in Rustans if you are going to scratch the cards holograms they are fake, this canadian is a 6’1 in height dark brown hair, green eyes or hazel what do u call that and is on the age around 22 be careful he is having mustasche sometimes or shaved face.. he is currently in cagayan as of the moment using this possible names of hussam abil tlas karl t gonazales or christopher samam, or by any names of his wants.. he usually used fake drivers licenses.

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