Monday, March 31

Dermcare Wellness and Spa in Centrio

Stress with the bustling and fast paced life in Cagayan de Oro City?

Now we have Dermcare Wellness and Spa that is commited to beauty and wellness and the venue where you could relax and unwind. They’re clinic is located at the 3rd Level of the newly opened Centrio Ayala Mall – Cagayan de Oro City (Beauty and Wellness Zone). Their clinic is one of the Philippines’ leading skin, hair, and wellness centers for over 20 years now. They offer services to improve aging skin and address skin problems like sun damage, unwanted pigmentation, scars, age spots, fine lines, wrinkles and acne or pimple marks. For reservations, please call 09238650751 or like then on facebook for Dermcare Luxe’s latest promos and events.

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