Sunday, March 30

PRP or “Vampire Treatment” Now Made Affordable at Zenbiosis

Wait no more as the Holywood Treatment called Platelet Rich Plasma commonly called Vampire Treatment is now made even affordable by Zenbiosis Medical and Aesthetic Clinic. Originally priced at Php 12,500, Zenbiosis is giving it to the public for Php 6,500. Take note that this treatment would cost you Php 40, 000 in Manila.


What does PRP stand for?

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. Plasma is the liquid aspect of our blood which houses all the cellular components such as red and white blood cells, as well as platelets. In simple terms, platelets naturally make up only 10% of our blood’s cellular components. In PRP, the platelet ratio is flipped to 90% platelets. Therefore, PRP is plasma rich in platelets.

What is PRP therapy?

PRP is a progressive non-surgical healing treatment used in many fields, including sports medicine and orthopedics. In the field of non-surgical orthopedics, PRP is injected into the affected region to stimulate and enhance healing. PRP is your own blood modified in a way to produce mega doses of your body’s own healing “ingredients” that are stored in our platelets.

Extracted blood platelets that contain proteins, nutrients, and a variety of growth factors are injected in to the site of concern. When growth factors are activated by injection, repair of damaged tissue begins, generating collagen and hyaluronic production.

PRP is done for skin rejuvenation, melasma treatment, acne scars, wrinkles, large pores, stretch marks, hair loss and many more.

Kim Kardashian after her PRP treatment. (Source: Kim Kardashian Instagram)

So what are you waiting for? Visit Zenbiosis Medical and Aesthetic Clinic – Door 3 AB Santiago Bldg. Velez-Gaerlan Sts., Cagayan de Oro City (near Gazebo) or inquire through their mobile number 0917 326 6893 or for more Zenbiosis information, promos and updates like them on Facebook.

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