Monday, March 31

Xavier Sports & Country Club MUST Fun Run #xsccmustrun2013

Come celebrate with the people of Cagayan de Oro its fresh start after Sendong in a fun run organized by Xavier Sports & Country Club in cooperation with Mindanao University of Science and Technology.

Xavier Sports & Country Club MUST Fun Run

“Maayong kaUgmaon Sa Tanan” (MUST) (literally: “auspicious tomorrow for all”) is an outpouring of popular people’s support for a fresh start, one that cuts across social, economic, and political considerations.

There will be three categories: 3K and 5K with a uniform Php300/participant registration fee; 10K with a Php500/participant registration fee.

The 3K and 5K registration fees include a jersey, a race bib, a certificate, the chance to win prizes in a raffle (including but not limited to free dinners for two with a gorgeous blind date), free admission to a post-race program with entertainment, and freebies generated by donations from partners. The 10K registration fee includes everything the 5K has plus a race bib-worn timing chip, an EcoBib easy-tear race bib (light fabric that allows air through), a 3-inch brass medal from a Manila supplier to the top 50 10K winners.

The Route

The route will be along C.M. Recto Avenue, specifically from the Mindanao University of Science and Technology to Crossing Bulua Terminal, and back to MUST.

Register now. Avail of an Early Bird special discount which is good till June 12, 2013 or until Early Bird slots last. Go to to register and enter the promo code: XSCCFR13.

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