Saturday, March 29

Mapawa Trail Series 2017

Recreational Outdoor Exchange (ROX) together Mapawa Nature Park recently launched a trail series. This is the 6th year that the said nature park has held this trail run. Their biggest installment yet will be held at Mapawa Nature Park in Cugman, Cagayan de Oro in the months of May, August, and October this 2017.

This trail Series is part of the Asia Trail Master Series which is participated by local and international marathon goers from the different parts of Asia like Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Japan.

The first leg of this series is called Trail Run Mapawa and it will be held on May 28. It will cater to two categories, which is the 21-kilometer run and the 5-kilometer run. Race briefing will start at 5 AM and gun start will be at 5:30 AM and the race will run up until it’s six-hour cut-off at 11:30 AM. This race is intended for starters and doesn’t really require any strict qualifications.

Trail Run Mapawa
May 28, 2017, 5 AM
Registration: 5 km – Php 500, 21 km – Php 1,000
Mandatory gears: Water bottles, extra trail food, a mobile phone, and a whistle.

Mapawa Trail Marathon will come next on August 13 with a 42-kilometer run and 10-kilometer run. The participants are advised to prepare and train ahead for this race as the trail route will be more challenging. Below are the race details:

Mapawa Trail Marathon
August 13, 2017
42-kilometer run: Registration: Php 1,800, Gun start at 4:30 AM with a 9-hour running time
10-kilometer run: Registration: Php 700, Gun start at 5:30 AM with a 3-hour running time
Mandatory gears: Hydration bottles, trail food, mobile phone, whistle, and flashlight or headlights for the 42-kilometer run.

The race-kit distribution date for the Mapawa Trail Marathon will be on August 7 to 12 at ROX Centrio Mall.

The last leg of the series is called the Ultra Trail Mapawa which will be held on October 29 with the 50-kilometer run and 15-kilometer night trail run. The participants are expected to train in advance as the 50-kilometer trail will run time will be at 14 hours the most.

Ultra Trail Mapawa
October 29, 2017
50-kilometer run: Registration: Php 2,500, Gun start at 3:30 AM with a 14-hour running time, cut off after 7 hours at 12:30 PM
15-kilometer run: Gun start at 5:30 PM with a 4-hour running time
Mandatory gears: Hydration bottles, trail food, mobile phone, whistle, and flashlight or headlights for the 42-kilometer run.

Mapawa Nature Park and ROX will be providing the event t-shirts, meals, race bibs with timing chips finisher’s medals, and finisher shirts as part of the registration for the Ultra Trail Mapawa.

The finishers of the major trail run from the 21-kilometer (May 28), 42-kilometer (August 13), and 50-kilometer (October 29) races will be awarded as the Grand Slam Finisher by the organizers.

Registration for each leg is done daily at Recreational Outdoor Exchange (ROX), Level 2, Centrio Mall in Cagayan de Oro City. You may also send in your registration via bank deposit or online registration.

For bank deposits, please send it to BPI – Mapawa Nature Park Corp with the account number: 2013-0039-15. Email your deposit slip to containing your name, gender, shirt size and event name. You may also register on for the Ultra Trail Mapawa.

For more details, check the Mapawa Trail Series on Facebook.

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