Wednesday, March 26

USTP jumpstarts webinar series with mental health awareness

Lockdown restriction amid COVID-19 is tough and without support, it can truly have an impact on your mental health particularly students.

University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines’ (USTP) Society of Electronics and Communication Technology has launches ‘Ling-Tu’n: Lingaw and Tuon’, a webinar series to address this. It is organized by the Society of Electronics and Communications Technology students aim to educate and entertain students and the public amid the pandemic.

The pilot programme which aired on Facebook last Saturday 27 February 2020 talked about a particularly taboo topic in the country which is mental health. It can’t be denied that once open up this discussion perception exists.

Guest speaker Jaymee Q. Leonen, RPsy., of the City Social Welfare & Development Office (CDO) psychosocial department shared her insights on how we can better promote awareness of our mental health and the importance of taking good care of it.

If you missed the episode, watch it here on or head over to USTP’s SECT facebook page for future live streams.

Login to Facebook needed to watch the webinar series


Written by Mary Kris Madriaga, PRO/PIO of the Society of Electronics and Communications Technology at the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP).

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