Monday, March 31

Syntactics Inc. Invites SMEs and Entrepreneurs to Join the Filipino SME Seminar this Coming May 17, 2014

April 29, 2014 – Cagayan de Oro, Philippines – One of the top Business Outsourcing Companies in the Philippines – Syntactics Inc. – invites individuals who want to boost their online presence and promote their brands on the web to join the Filipino SME Seminar this coming May 17, 2014, from 1:00 to 5:000 Syntactics Inc., 3rd Floor, Egmedio Building, Corrales – Domingo Velez Streets, Cagayan de Oro City.

Filipino SME Seminar

Themed “Filipino SME: Boost Your Online Presence and Promote Your Brands Online”, the seminar will showcase the knowledge of the resource speakers for the following topics that will be discussed on the event.

  • Branding promotion through Social Media
  • Local listing “Boost Your Online Presence with Local Business Listings
  • The advantages of having a website and Internet presence
  • Leveraging Mobile Apps to Increase Brand Awareness
  • The benefits of having a cloud-based software

Qualified participants to the event should be:

  • An entrepreneur
  • One who has an existing business, and;
  • Who is willing to use technology to help business grow

The Filipino SME seminar will enable small and medium businesses grow and develop into an export-ready (internationalized) enterprises, through the sharing of information on best practice initiatives.

It also aims to showcase the growing Small and Medium Enterprises and to strengthen their gateway towards innovation and development in the rising online market.

In the event, participants will be able to join discussions about the online market trends and find opportunities to interact with other local competitive SMEs from different industries. Aside from that, participants will also:

  • Learn how to introduce their business globally through search engines and social media sites.
  • Gain valuable knowledge on online marketing.
  • Get access to exclusive discounts for FILSME services.
  • Make entrepreneurs expand their business online using the power of the Internet.
  • Take advantage of the knowledge from IT Industry experts on a variety of technical topics.
  • Build their local connections and networks.
  • Meet potential customers and partners.

Boost business sales dramatically online by joining the Filipino SME seminar! Learn valuable information on how to market business on the World Wide Web.

The Filipino SME seminar is FREE, there’s no registration fee required. For more information and for reservation, please contact Ms. Pamila Salon at (088) 856 – 2242 / 0917-704-8034.

To register please click this link –

Register now to get a spot right away! There are only 40 seats available. is proud to be the online partner of Syntactics, Inc. for this Filipino SME Seminar.

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