Monday, March 31

parenTEEN (Parenting your Teenagers)

Do you want to know how to effectively parent your teens? or probably learn how to you can be a better parent?

PARENTEEN and iCHANGE is jointly sponsored by the Rotary Club of Cagayan de Oro, the Association of Private Secondary Schools in Cagayan de Oro (APSCO), the Fil-Chi Volunteer Fire Brigade of Cagayan de Oro City, and the Christ’s Commission Foundation (CCF).


Mark the date and time – September 7, 2013, Saturday, 2-6PM, at the Atrium of the Limketkai Mall. The speakers are Mr. Francis Kong and Mr. Peter Tan Chi. Registration Fee: Php150/pax

About the Speakers

Peter Tan-Chi is the Founder and President of Christ’s Commission Foundation, Inc. (CCF) and Senior Pastor of Christ’s Commission Fellowship. He is the Chairman of Asiatic Development Corporation and Basic Housing Solutions, Inc. He is also the Founder and Chairman of The Master’s Academy, which has the first and only accredited Home Education program in the Philippines. A cum laude graduate from the University of the Philippines (UP) majored in Marketing, he received his Master in Management degree with distinction at Asian Institute of Management (AIM). He completed his Doctor of Ministry degree at the International Graduate School of Leadership where he serves as its Vice Chairman. He is a Board Member of Far East Broadcasting Company.

Francis J. Kong is the President of Success Options Publishing Company, President of FunWorks Inc. a member of the Canadian based Mad Science International Group, the world’s number 1 Science educational-entertainment program provider for kids. He is Founding member and Director of Inspire Leadership Consultancy. Francis has extensive work experiences in manufacturing and retail as he help founded a popular clothing company and ran a retail chain for many years. You can hear him in his daily Radio Program “Business Matters” which was given a Year 2007 special citation by the Catholic Mass Media Awards.You can read him through his Saturday and Sunday column of the Business Page of the Philippine Star. You can also see him as he regularly guests every Thursday morning at the popular morning show Umagang Kay Ganda. He has been featured in many of the major business conventions and conferences both here and abroad. He also wrote “One Day at a Time” has been given a most favorable review by Channel NewsAsia of Singapore and “The Early Bird Catches the Worm which is now translated into the Korean language.

source: CCF and

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