Monday, March 10

CDO’s Christmas Choral and Lantern Contest

The City Tourism Board chaired by Rhia Rita Abalos recently launched the annual Christmas choral competition “Bangga sa Daygon” and the lantern contest “Indigay sa Parol” where a total of P169,000.00 in cash prizes are at stake.

The “Bangga sa Daygon” is open to all glee clubs and choral groups of private and public elementary and high schools in the city.

The contest proper for the elementary category is on December 15, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. at the SM City, while the high school category will be held on December 12, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. in Limketkai Center.

First, second and third prize winners in the elementary category will bring home P25,000, P20,000 and P15,000, respectively, while the top 12 choral groups will receive P2,000.

High school top three winners will get P20,000 (1st Prize), P15,000 (2nd Prize), and P10,000 (3rd Prize) and a consolation prize of P2,000 for the top 5 choral groups.

The “Indigay sa Parol”, which will be held on December 8, 2012 at the Limketkai Center, is open to all students, barangays, schools, groups, or individuals in Northern Mindanao.

Cash Prizes of P15,000, P10,000, and P5,000 await the top three winners, plus 10 consolatin prizes at P1,000.

Indigay sa Parol’s deadline for submission of registration is on November 29, 2012, while Bangga sa Daygon is on December 7, 2012 at the City Tourism and Cultural Affairs Office in City Hall where registration forms are available. (CIO)

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